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Sales Update

Trucking Promotion Reminder

On December 5th, ADOS Kelly Schnorrbusch sent out an email regarding a Trucking Promotion that is available to you through the National Sales Team. Just a reminder if you haven’t already sent your responses regarding truck parking and your desire to participate in the program, send a quick email to her at and cc your ADOS and RVPO with your answers to the following questions.

  1. Do you have truck parking?

  2. If yes, any notes about the space: (i.e. only if available, adjacent grass lot, etc)

  3. Would you like to submit your inn for inclusion in an upcoming Trucking Promotion email?

  4. If yes, send at least 2 photos of the space to be sent; make sure the pictures are crisp/not blurry and would provide a good visual for the guest when included on the flyer.

  5. Anything else you want shared: (i.e. ¼ mile from X Truck Stop, 24-hour restaurant next door, etc)

Please respond by Friday December 23th with your truck parking info.

As we close out the year, it is a good time to send a note, a thank you, or some good cheer to your regular guests, your inn’s top producers, and current crew business. It can be a simple letter and candy cane left in the room before your regular checks in next time. Perhaps you send an email or holiday card with a thank you to the accounts who stay with you regularly. Make a phone call to that company you’d really love to win more business from in the new year. Remember that gratitude doesn’t have to cost more than a few minutes of your time and it goes a long way.

We see the hard work you put in every day, the sales leads you submit, and the great service you continue to provide, even when things get challenging. We appreciate you so very much.

THANK YOU. We wish you all a happy holiday season!


Dawn, Cara, Lynette, and Kelly

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