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Sales Lead Change for 2025


Our General Managers did such a great job finding qualified sales leads last year that the requirement for the sales portion of bonuses has increased for 2025.  This year, you and your team will need to find SIX Qualified Leads per quarter, for a total of 24 for the year.

As a reminder, you can submit more than 6 leads per quarter, as they will count toward the next one. Conversely, if you fail to submit six leads in a quarter, you will then need to make up the difference plus submit the six leads required for that quarter to earn your bonus. 


  1. If Jack submits 8 leads in Quarter 1, He has earned his 1st Quarter bonus. He only needs to submit 4 leads in Quarter 2 to earn his next quarterly bonus.

  2. If Sam only submits 3 leads in Quarter 1, he does not earn his 1st Quarter bonus. He will need to send in 9 qualified leads to earn his Quarter 2 bonus, but cannot retroactively earn his first quarter bonus. 

We understand that it can feel daunting if you do fall behind, but your RDSM team is here to guide you and help you find those leads each Quarter.  We will be sharing some of those basic ideas with you again on upcoming Revenue Calls and Region Calls. Remember that your front desk staff is your best offense in finding leads.  They talk to your potential and in-house guests and should be able to ask a few questions when they receive phone call inquiries for multiple reservations, see more than one room being checked in by folks on the same crew, or recognize returning guests. Not everyone is here on business nor a qualified lead, but it’s a great start!   

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