Having an email policy in the workplace cannot only provide some ground rules around good business communications, but it can also help keep our risk low when it comes to cyber-security. Even if employees may be familiar with email and if you use a well-known email provider like we do with Office 365, and even if you have a great IT department like we do, by having rules around the sending of confidential information, you can establish rules which means if there is a compromised email, there will be a less significant damage to the business.
It has recently come to the attention of RRI West Leadership, that there may be front desk teams at RRI West locations that are actively using their own self-created email accounts, using gmail or yahoo or other well-known email domains. (redroofchicago@gmail.com, for example). RRI West only allows the following email address domains to be used for business purposes: @redroof.com and @rriwest.com.
We utilize these email addresses to ensure that our IT departments can monitor, manage and secure the information and data that is being communicated. Any additional addresses being utilized by a department or individual is in violation of our policy. If you are aware or become aware of any individual or department utilizing an outside domain for business purposes, you must bring this to your supervisor’s attention immediately. HR, IT and your Ops Department will determine next steps. Here is some additional information regarding email communications as stated in our Employee Handbook:
Communications and data transmitted via any Company computer, email or Internet access systems are the property of the Company. Only the intended recipient should access any such data. Although the Company computer, email and Internet access is intended for business use, incidental personal use is permitted. However, any use whether business or personal, is subject to all aspects of this policy. Users are personally responsible for and strictly prohibited from using or permitting others from using Company computer, email, and Internet resources in an inappropriate manner, including, but not limited to:
Using the resources in a way that may be disruptive, offensive to others, harmful to morale or in any way violates Company policies including non-discrimination, sexual harassment, conflict of interest, and code of ethics policies.
Messages which are considered offensive include those which contain comments that offensively address someone’s age, race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, marital status, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability.
Distributing or storing chain letters, jokes, solicitations, offers to buy or sell goods, invitations to join or participate in non-company organizations or events, or other non-business material
Emailing of any customer credit card data is strictly prohibited unless the credit card data is encrypted, or password protected.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with you supervisor. Thank you for helping keep our data safe.