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  • Human Resources

Recruiting Reminders

While you all have done an amazing job at hiring… and probably more hiring than you’ve ever done – we know, we aren’t out of the woods yet! These are just a few recruiting reminders as we continue through the summer months:

  • Make sure you are promoting the BFF referral program that was introduced at the end of April. This program is working, and we are beginning to pay out some great bonuses to GSRs. Forgot to submit someone that you know is a referral? Just reach out to HR and we can check hire dates, etc. and submit the approval to payroll for you!

  • UKG Opportunities open! As we have always said… as you have open positions, make sure you are opening an opportunity in UKG. A couple of tips regarding open opportunities:

    • First, it does take 24 hours to feed to Indeed. Remember, this is FREE to us. There is no need to pay for an additional job ad at the property level.

    • Next, if you open an opportunity and don’t see a good flow of applicants within the first 3 days…. Email Tamara or David for additional assistance!

  • We have found that not one strategy works for all locations. So don’t struggle alone. Reach out for help and we will customize the strategy for you and your location. Sometimes it’s how we promote the job, sometimes it’s looking at why people are leaving, Sometimes it’s wages, sometimes it’s posting on social media, and sometimes we need to do all of these things together.

  • And finally, don’t forget the old-fashioned way… FLYERS! If you’ve been to a retail store, a drive thru, a restaurant… EVERYONE is HIRING! Wendy’s puts a flyer in your bag; McD’s has a QR code on your receipt. Maybe you have one printed and displayed at the desk with the QR code <hint, hint 😉>. Anywhere you can get something printed and hung up can only create more ways of people thinking about you and your location.

Your HR team, your Ops team, your RRI West Leadership team are all here to help!

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