Terminations of GSRs
While terminations of employees, whether voluntary or involuntary mean you need to fill another open position – there are some necessary administrative steps to ensure a termination is processed effectively. Here are a couple of guidelines for you:
Don’t forget to sign off on employee timecard FIRST! You do not need to wait until payroll close. Once an employee is done working their last shift, you may edit their timecard, make any necessary changes and then sign off “in the moment”.
Don’t wait! It is vital that the employee is processed correctly in the UKG system to ensure that their final pay is calculated correctly and timely. Did you know that there are several states in which we operate that require immediate pay upon termination? CA, MA, MO are just a few. And then, there are some states that have laws for final pay within 48 hours, 72 hours, within 6 calendar days. So terminating them in the system triggers that “clock” with our payroll team to help us stay compliant and get those employees their owed funds upon termination.
For a complete list of state final pay requirements – see this link: https://westmont1-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/stephanie_doherty_rriwest_com/ElJOQSXA9u5Dr1DDvPIzpsYBZv8WkoT6tlG4OUi1YyM9Ng?e=PQrCax
Reminder of Termination Notes: Please remember any notes provided in the employee's record should be written professionally and simply and without emotion. These notes can be discoverable in a court of law so it is important that you think through the language placed in this section.
Final Pay Laws by State: