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IT Reminder

People & Culture

A friendly reminder from our IT department regarding data information, per the RRI West employee handbook.  Please see below and remind your staff of the importance of protecting information on company computers, as well as being mindful of accessing information (including websites) on company computers.

Per the Employee Handbook:

Right to Access and Inspect Computer Information / Waiver of PrivacyAll information created, stored, sent, or received using any Company computer, email and/or Internet system is the property of the Company. The Company reserves the right to and may, without advance notice and at any time, a\ccess, monitor and disclose for any purpose all information on the computer systems. Therefore, Users waive and do not have an expectation or a right to privacy regarding such information. Even if Users use passwords to access any type of information, the confidentiality of any information or message cannot be assured. The use of passwords or other security measures does not in any way reduce the Company’s right to access materials on its systems nor does it create any privacy rights for the Users in the messages and files on any system. All passwords created by a User must be revealed to the Company upon request. The Company reserves the right to view, modify and/or delete any software, information, messages, or attachments at its discretion, regardless of whether such information meets the qualifications outlined in this policy, or whether the information adversely impacts the proper and efficient operation of the system.

Email, Internet, and Transmitted DataCommunications and data transmitted via any Company computer, email or Internet access systems are the property of the Company. Only the intended recipient should access any such data. Although the Company computer, email and Internet access is intended for business use, incidental personal use is permitted. However, any use, whether business or personal, is subject to all aspects of this policy. Users are personally responsible for and strictly prohibited from using or permitting others from using Company computer, email, and Internet resources in an inappropriate manner, including, but not limited to:

  • Using the resources in a way that may be disruptive, offensive to others, harmful to morale or in any way violates Company policies including non-discrimination, sexual harassment, conflict of interest, and code of ethics policies. (this may include both written emails, accessed websites and other forms of media).

  • Messages which are considered offensive include those which contain comments that offensivelyaddress someone’s age, race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, marital status, sexualorientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin, or disability.

  • Distributing or storing chain letters, jokes, solicitations, offers to buy or sell goods, invitations to join or participate in non-company organizations or events, or other non-business material.

  • Emailing of any customer credit card data is strictly prohibited unless the credit card data is encrypted, or password protected.

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