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Embracing the Cycle of Change and New Beginnings with Hotel Key

RRI West recently embarked on an exciting journey by rolling out Hotel Key across all our hotels. This memo serves as a follow-up to assess our progress, address any concerns, and reinforce our collective efforts towards fully embracing this significant change.

Reviewing the Cycle of Change

Implementation Recap:

  • The new system was implemented with the goal of enhancing our operational efficiency and guest experience. So far, we've seen promising improvements in various areas, thanks to your cooperation and adaptability.

Current Status:

  • While we have successfully integrated the new system, ongoing adjustments and fine-tuning are necessary to optimize its performance. Your feedback over the past two weeks has been invaluable in identifying areas that need further attention.

Evaluation and Adjustment:

  • Continuous evaluation is crucial. We have been actively gathering feedback and monitoring system performance. Based on your input, several enhancements are already underway to address initial challenges and streamline processes further.

Embracing the New System

Now that Hotel Key is in place, it’s time to focus on making the most of its capabilities. Here’s how we can continue to maximize its benefits:

Leverage Innovative Features:

  • The new system offers advanced features designed to improve efficiency and guest satisfaction. Explore these tools to enhance your daily tasks and deliver exceptional service.

Ongoing Training:

  • Training doesn’t stop after the initial rollout. Take advantage of ongoing training sessions and resources to deepen your understanding and proficiency with the system.

Adaptability and Resilience:

  • Change can be challenging, but it also presents opportunities for growth. Continue to approach this transition with resilience and adaptability and support your colleagues as we all adjust to the new processes.

Collaborative Culture:

  • Collaboration is key to our success. Share your experiences, insights, and solutions with your team members. By working together, we can overcome any hurdles and ensure a smooth transition.

Moving Forward

We are at a pivotal moment where our collective efforts can turn this change into a resounding success. Your dedication and proactive approach over the past few weeks have been commendable. Let’s continue to build on this momentum and fully embrace Hotel Key to achieve our goals.

Thank you for your hard work and commitment to excellence. If you have any questions or need further support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Training Team at or your RVPO!

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