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Are You Ready for the Calls

Warmer months are here, and construction is really gearing up in certain parts of the country.

What does this mean to us? A lot of phone inquiries – and hopefully business - will be coming our way!

Majority of the time, when a project is planned, a Project Manager or member of a crew, will start calling hotels and looking for the best rate. WE NEED TO BE PREPARED!

  • Make sure your GSRs know your weekly rate, or best rate you want them to have for crews.

  • If you prefer, they do not quote a rate, please make sure they are getting call back info for the customer and telling them they will have someone get back to them ASAP with best crew rates.

  • Make sure they know how to identify these callers with “What brings you to the area”?

  • Buzz words the caller may give mentioning “project”, “big job”, “several people”, “long term”, “cheapest” etc. (You don’t want them quoting weekly or low rates to just anyone)

  • Have your GSR quote the best they can, if possible, and get their details to pass along to you/ADOS to secure. (Note: We want the GSR/GM to quote what they can so the caller has an idea of our rate and possibly book on the spot – your ADOS can take it from there in respect to securing VP, getting info to others, prospecting for other jobs, etc.).

  • Be mindful that if the caller is just told “I will have someone call you back” we may lose them.

  • They are shopping rates and want to book quick and know you want their business!

  • Why give info to the ADOS? Your ADOS will call and be able to secure business for not only the customer who called, but will also explore other contacts who may be working on the project, any billing needs, other Project Managers for other jobs in the area or near another RRI West, making sure the hotels information is in the hands of other crew members who may have booked or about to book elsewhere, researching sub-contractors to the project for their potential room needs, get a flyer or info to the PM or their corporate office to share, etc.

Construction is HUGE business for us, and we want to secure all this potential base business as these projects get underway.

We appreciate the GSR and GM support – you are the first contact being made to these people calling us and your help is invaluable! Thank you!!!

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