The following organizations should be contacted to for support issues related to their specific areas. Please note that when contacting these vendors, you need to provide as much information as you can so that they/we can resolve your issue as quickly as possible. Please know your new property number to provide for assistance with exception of RediStay issues.
Telephones / Admin Internet
If you are having difficulties with your telephones or if your office internet is down on ALL computers please reach out to Global Network Services (GNS)
Please Email GNS Support @ RRIsupport@globalnetworkservices.net.
Main Support Number: 407-352-1161
Regular Business Hours: M-F, 8:30am – 6pm EST
Afterhours Support: 407-352-1161, Option 1 or Email GNS Support @ RRIsupport@globalnetworkservices.net. Our afterhours assistance is available until 11pm EST M-F, and 8am-11pm EST Sa-Su and holidays. Please note that the afterhours desk is only used for emergencies i.e. down hard situations. After form submission, you can feel free to call our main support number to check on status.
Guest Wireless – ITG
Guest WIFI Support 855-352-7618 number on the in room printed material stays the same. Hotel Staff should contact WIFI Support provider for issues.
Email @ help@itgnetworks.com / Support Number: 855-352-7618
Website Submission: https://www.itgnetworks.com/help-desk/
General PC issues or Escalation
If you are experiencing issues with a computer (i.e. Mouse, Keyboard, Browser, specific sites, spyware/virus), RRIWest.com Account issues, or if you have an issue and you don’t know who to call, reach out to us at Westmont IT Support.
Email Ticket System: IT.Support@whg.com Support Line: 713-933-0990
Redistay Operational Issues
Redistay support remains ready as always to assist with Redistay application issues.
Redistay Support Line: 855-435-7774
Redistay Support Email address: helpdesk@redroof.com