Tips and Reminders from Procurement
Washer Cycle for New Linens (attachment)
American Hotel facial soap is currently out of stock. Please consider using the bath bar to place at the vanity. AHR is still the best pricing by far on the soap.
If your property experiences a power outage, you may need to reset your P&G Laundry Dispensers after the power is restored.
Dumpsters – Never dispose of PTACs, Air Conditions, or refrigerators in your dumpster. This will result in added contaminated waste fees and you could be fined. Avoid overfilling your dumpster as overage fees are being charged when the contents are above the dumpster walls. Remember to use the WM Portal to change service, report issues, etc.
For easy reference attached is the link to the Red Roof Master Specifications Manual (Brand Standard Items) Red Roof Inn Master Specification Manual March 2024.pdf
RM Pro Reminder
When you receive a capex order or a capex job is completed, please open the work order in RM Pro and type in the “Notes” field received or completed. Then select the “Send email notice” check box and select Submit. This will notify the M&C Team to process the invoice.
Fresh Air Sensor Properties (Important information on when to remove and safely store the sensor device)
Painting a room
Caulking in a room
Using flea or fragrance bomb
Safely store the device for 30 days after.
True Red Facial Soap Stock
You may have found the True Red Facial Bar is out of stock from all suppliers. Vendors have placed restock orders; however, the lead time is 60-90 days. AHR has a temporary solution to substitute the Rain Breeze Face Bar. The Item #1120396 sill be in the Order Guide in the next few days. Rain Breeze Face & Body Bar, 9 G. | Bar Soap | Mini Amenities | Amenities and Personal Care | Open Catalog | American Hotel Site. The case pack is 1000 bars for $33.08.
Please plan accordingly and be mindful of not over ordering, as the Brand Standard True Red facial bar should be back in stock sometime in July.