While January is normally National Human Trafficking month, the summer months bring an increase in guests staying at our properties. As part of our ongoing commitment to the safety and well-being of our community, we want to remind everyone about the importance of human trafficking awareness. It is a grave violation of human rights and as members of the hotel industry, it is especially crucial that we stay informed and vigilant. RRI West Management partners with and follows training guidelines as established by Red Roof and ecpat.org.
Quick Reminder of what Human Trafficking is…
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit people for labor or commercial sex. It is a crime that can affect individuals of any age, gender, or nationality.
How Can You Help?
Know The Signs: Educate yourself about the signs human trafficking so you are able to recognize it! Traffickers often take advantage of the privacy accessible through the hospitality industry.
Front Desk GSRs – Look for…
Individuals may be constantly monitored, rarely allowed to interact with staff or others
Individuals have little to no control over possession of money or ID
Individuals dress inappropriately for their age or have lower quality clothing compared to others in their party
Houskeeping & Maintenance GSRs – Look for…
Requests additional housekeeping services but denies hotel staff entry to room
Presence of multiple computers, cell phones, credit card swipers, etc
Extended stay with few or no personal possessions
Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect someone is a victim of human trafficking, report it immediately to your manager!!! If you see something – SAY SOMETHING!
The Training Department sends out monthly reports on the status of your employee trainings. The last one sent out was from Cathy Wingler on Monday, July 1st. If you need it resent to you, please reach out to Cathy or Michelle Ward. It is IMPERATIVE that all employees have completed the required new hire training.
RRI West Management partners with and follows training guidelines as established by Red Roof and ecpat.org. By working together, we can help prevent human trafficking and support those who have been affected by it.